Archive for the ‘Australia’ Category
Perth, Redcliffe: Lindy’s family
Posted in Australia, Rencontres, Vincent, Voyage, funnies on 10/20/2009 01:58 by t*i*ddCombi
Posted in Australia, Organisation, Vincent, Voyage on 10/17/2009 10:04 by t*i*ddBonjour a tou(te)s,
je suis donc en Australie depuis 2 semaines, plus precisement a Perth, et depuis ce midi, je suis officiellement le proprietaire de Venus, un VW Combi de 1975…
Bientot nous partirons tous les deux sur les routes de ce grand pays !
Aventure(s) a suivre…
Hello everyone,
I arrived on the australian soil 2 weeks ago, and to be more precise, in Perth…
From noon today, I’m the owner of Venus, a VW Combi of 1975…
Soon we will hit the roads of this giant contry!
To be continued…
HK > Perth
Posted in Australia, China, Vincent, Voyage on 10/05/2009 02:54 by t*i*ddApres plus de 3 mois en Asie (Inde – Thailande – Laos – Chine), je me suis envole pour l’Australie…
After more than 3 month in Asia (India – Thailand – Lao – China), I flew to Australia…