Archive for the ‘Thailand’ Category
Poupou pidou…
Posted in Thailand, others on 08/12/2009 07:02 by t*i*ddLe jour ou je quittais Bangkok, c’etait la fete, les gens tout de bleu vetus celebraient l’anniversaire de la reine… drapeaux, spectacles, et meme un ecran geant a la gare…
The day i left Bangkok, people, all dressed in blue, were celebrating the queen’s birthday… flags, stages, and even a huge screen at the train station…
Bangkok… Arts…
Posted in Thailand, Voyage, funnies, others on 08/12/2009 02:59 by t*i*ddUn autre regard sur la ville…
An other way to see this city…
Space Invaders… Vincent 1 – 0 Lucie
Posted in Thailand, Vincent, Voyage on 08/11/2009 09:43 by t*i*ddje me suis juste arrete dans un Apple Store pour profiter des ordinateurs et internet pour vous faire un coucou… Demain je prends le train pour le Laos… A bientot…
I’ve just stopped by an Apple Store to use the computers and internet there… I’m fine and I really enjoy my trip here and there… Tomorrow i’ll take a train to Lao… see you soon…
Posted in Rencontres, Thailand, others on 08/11/2009 06:43 by t*i*ddJ’ai decouvert ce petit magasin a Bangkok… Sasiko est une jeune designer et artiste qui vend ses carte postales, dessins, vetements… Mais aussi des CDs de seconde main – the Apples in Stereo, Red Hot, Brian Wilson (Smile), Rufus Wainwright…
Et les objets tres 70s ne servent qu’a la deco…
I found this small store in Bangkok… Sasiko is a young designer and artist. She sell there her postcards, posters, clothes… And also some second hand CDs – the Apples in Stereo, Red Hot, Brian Wilson (Smile), Rufus Wainwright…
And the things in the shop are her personal items, used for the decoration of the place…
Posted in Thailand, others on 08/11/2009 01:52 by t*i*ddOui je suis un mec un vrai, et ce qui m’interresse dans la vie ce sont les bagnoles, le foot (a la tele en bouffant des pizza et buvant des bieres avec mes potes)…
Et bien en parlant de caisses, voici les francaises croisees a Bangkok…
Yes I’m a real man, and what I luv in life are cars and to watch soccer on TV, eating pizzas and drinking beers with my friends…
Talking about cars, here are the french ones I’ve seen in Bangkok…
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
Posted in Thailand, book on 08/10/2009 03:54 by t*i*ddVoici un livre que je n’aurais jamais achete si il y avait eu un resume de l’histoire au dos…
Mais j’ai plonge dedans, decouvrant au fur et a mesure le sujet… Un regal !
Here is book I would have never bought if a summary of the story was on the back…
I really appreciate the way the Irish author guide me in this story…
Hey, put your boob in my s…oup
Posted in Thailand, funnies on 08/10/2009 10:56 by t*i*dd
Pour bien comprendre cette blague, je vous invite a google-chercher Bob Log III…Et vous comprendrez pourquoi j’ai cru que sa mere etait le cuisto…
I invite you to google-search on Bob Log III, to understand this thread… and to figure out why I thought his mom was the cook there…